The Office of Research, Innovation, and Collaboration (ORIC) is designed to promote a robust research environment and ethical scholarly engagement with a focus on supporting the entire Spelman community and its scholars.

ORIC Palm Card

There are four units housed within ORIC: Research Development & Sponsored Programs; Evaluation, Monitoring & Data; Undergraduate Research & Training Programs; and Environmental Health & Safety Compliance. Together these units comprise an enhanced infrastructure that promotes research integrity, advocates engagement in scholarly pursuits, and communicates best practices to the entire Spelman community.

Research Development and Sponsored Programs

Research Development & Sponsored Programs (RDSP)

Research Development & Sponsored Programs (RDSP) assists faculty and staff in successfully navigating the grant administration cycle from proposal development, review, and submission to fiscal management of funded projects. RDSP is committed to expanding research and development and promoting excellence in scholarly initiatives throughout the Spelman community.

Evaluation, Monitoring and Data

Evaluation, Monitoring & Data (EMD)

The primary focus for the EMD Unit is to assess the performance of projects, and programs supported by government agencies and foundations. Its goal is to improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes and impact.

Undergraduate Research and Training Programs

Undergraduate Research & Training Programs (URTP)

URTP is primarily responsible for the coordination of all undergraduate research and creative pursuits at the College and for the development of strategies to increase student involvement in scholarly activities. The URTP office works collaboratively with faculty, staff and students to support the scholarly engagement of undergraduates from all divisions through activities such as mentor pairing, professional development workshops, RCR (Responsible Conduct in Research) Training, Research Day planning, and student research engagement data collection.

Environmental Health and Safety Compliance


Environmental Health & Safety Compliance (EHSC)

The Environmental Health & Safety Compliance Unit of ORIC administers programs and services to protect the health and safety of faculty, staff, students, visitors and the environment. We aim to create a culture of safety and environmental stewardship though training, education, technical consultation and monitoring. We provide services on Biosafety, Laboratory Safety, Radiation Safety, and Environmental Protection, while ensuring the college is in compliance with local, state and federal regulations.